- importance relative
- (d'un facteur)удельный вес
Le dictionnaire commercial Français-Russe. - RUSSO . R. Giraud. 2002.
Le dictionnaire commercial Français-Russe. - RUSSO . R. Giraud. 2002.
Relative wind — in aeronautics= In aeronautics, the relative wind is the direction of airflow over the airfoil, i.e. in vector terms it is the vector sum of the ambient air past the aircraft: Most usefully, it is the direction of the air over the aircraft s… … Wikipedia
Relative Theory Records — was an independent record store in Norfolk, Virginia which also functions as a coffee bar, a small concert venue, and an art gallery. It was opened in the winter of 2003 04 by co owners, co operators, and friends David Hausman and Joshua Wright,… … Wikipedia
relative — rel‧a‧tive [ˈrelətɪv] adjective having a particular value or quality when compared with similar things: • the relative strength of the dollar • IBM was a relative latecomer to the laptop market. relatively adverb : • The system is relatively easy … Financial and business terms
importance — [im pôrt′ ns] n. [MFr < OIt importanza] 1. the state or quality of being important; significance; consequence 2. Obs. a) a matter or consequence b) import, or meaning c) importunity SYN. IMPORTANCE, the broades … English World dictionary
importance — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ cardinal, central, considerable, critical, crucial, enormous, extreme, fundamental, great, high, immense … Collocations dictionary
relative — [[t]re̱lətɪv[/t]] ♦♦♦ relatives 1) N COUNT Your relatives are the members of your family. Do relatives of yours still live in Siberia?... Get a relative to look after the children. Syn: relation 2) ADJ: ADJ n You use relative to say that… … English dictionary
relative — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ close, near ▪ The succession passed to the nearest surviving relative. ▪ distant ▪ blood, family … Collocations dictionary
importance — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Consequence Nouns 1. importance, import, consequence, moment, prominence, consideration, mark, materialness, primacy; significance, concern; emphasis, interest; distinction, prestige, grandeur, majesty,… … English dictionary for students
importance — noun Date: 1508 1. a. the quality or state of being important ; consequence b. an important aspect or bearing ; significance 2. obsolete import, meaning 3. obsolete importunity … New Collegiate Dictionary
relative — 1. adjective 1) the relative importance of each factor Syn: comparative, respective, comparable, correlative, parallel, corresponding 2) the food required is relative to body weight Syn: proportionate, proportional, in proportion, commensurat … Thesaurus of popular words
relative — 1. adjective 1) the relative importance of each factor Syn: comparative, respective, comparable 2) food required is relative to body weight Syn: proportionate, in proportion, commensurate, corresponding • Ant … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary